An earthquake yesterday in the Turkish city of Van led to the death of Japanese citizen Atsushi Miyadzaki who came to Turkey with the NGO Association for Aid and Relief, the Sabah newspaper reported.
Miyadzaki was found in the ruins of the Bayram Hotel. He was taken to hospital in critical condition and died there.
Employees of the NGO -- a 32-year-old Konnai and 41-year-old Miyadzaki -- came to Turkey to help victims and refugees three days after the last earthquake on Oct. 23.
They stayed at the Bayram" Hotel since Oct.29.
An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale with epicenter in Edremit occurred in the province of Van on Wednesday night.
According to recent reports, seven people died. Most lived at the four-storey hotel, where Red Cross representatives and journalists stayed.