Iranian "Fajr" (Dawn) satellite would be launched into space by mid March, reported ISNA.
Deputy Head of the Industry and Research Institute of the Iranian Defense Ministry, Mohammad Eslami stressed Iran would certainly send "Fajr" satellite into space and added, "Iranian researchers have made correction on systems of the satellite from experiences they obtained from student satellite "Rasade1" (Observation 1) and God willing it will be put inside the orbit by mid March."
"Fajr satellite will be launched into space by Safir A1 (Ambassador A1) satellite carrier which will test a new technology that is one cold gas propulsion sub system for orbit transferring," Eslami said as providing details on the satellite.
Omid (Hope) was Iran's first domestically made satellite. Omid is a data-processing satellite for research and telecommunications. It was successfully launched on February 2009. After being launched by an Iranian-made carrier rocket, Safir 2, the satellite was placed into a low Earth orbit.