Turkish analyst Husni Mahalli believes that the resignation of Chief of General Staff of Turkish Armed Forces Ishik Koshaner is part of the policy of purges carried out by the ruling Justice and Development Party.
Today, Chief of Staff of Turkish Armed Forces Ishik Koshaner resigned after a meeting in private with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As reported by the Turkish media, Erdogan wanted to Koshaner retired. In response, Koshaner resigned.
Mahalli believes that the resignation of the Chief of Staff may create political tensions in the country.
"Koshaner's resignation can create tension, but it will be short-lived," - he said.
According to Mahalli, one of the main reasons for resignation were disagreements between government and army after the "Sledgehammer" plan.
Under assumptions of the pro-government newspaper "TARAF", in 2010, Turkish Armed Forces have prepared a "Sledgehammer" plan to overthrow the government.
Under this plan, the country's armed forces were to overthrow the government after the chaos that was to come into the country after the bombings in Istanbul mosques "Fatih Camisi" and "Bayazid", an attack on a military museum and the destruction of several Turkish fighter jets. As suggested by the newspaper, a plan was drawn up in 2002-2003, and signed by former Turkish Armed Forces Gen. Cetin Dogan.
The newspaper reported that the document's authors - senior military men, suspected of involvement in terms of "Ergenekon", whose goal was to overthrow the government. The case also involved some 200 politicians, journalists, lawyers, teachers, military and police.
Mahalli also noted that the resignation will not cause activation of the PKK terrorists.