Turkey recognizes the Transitional National Council (TNC) as a legitimate representative of the Libyan people, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Sunday on a visit to Libya.
"The people's demands for reforms should be met. Gaddafi must go, Libya should not split", Davutoglu said after meeting with the TNC (the ruling body of Libyan rebels) head Mustafa Abdel Jalil in the city of Benghazi, CNN Turk reported.
Libya has been rocked with anti-Gaddafi protests since mid-February. The international military operation began on March 19 following a UN resolution and was extended until late September.
UN Security Council Resolution 1970, passed in February, prohibited states from providing any kind of arms to Libya. March Resolution 1973 authorized nations "to take all necessary measures" to help protect Libyan civilians.