The IAEA is likely to adopt a resolution on Iran, but it will not have the desired effect on Tehran because it does not intend to retreat from the realization of its nuclear program, which, according to some experts, is aimed at producing nuclear weapons, while others believe that it is peaceful.
"From my point of view, the IAEA will take a tougher resolution, and the effect of it will be equal to zero, President of the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies Yevgeny Satanovsky wrote in an e-mail to Trend. - How Iran has worked on a nuclear bomb, it will continue to do it, and will complete this work within two to four years, after which the non-proliferation regime would order to live a long time."
The IAEA has information about the presence of Iran's secret nuclear activities, aimed at creating nuclear weapons, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said at the session of the IAEA Board of Governors opened on June 6. According to him, there are signs that some of these activities have continued until recently.
Amano said that he sent a letter to Iranian Vice President, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Fereydun Abbasi, in which he expressed Agency's concerns about the possibility of a military direction of Iran's nuclear program, and urged to provide access to functioning nuclear facilities, equipment, records and personnel.
According to the expert on nuclear issues and the Caucasus Hassan Behishtipur, the IAEA, not officially recognizing Iran's right to uranium enrichment, is constantly trying to obtain information about the new plans of the Islamic Republic under the pressure of the Western countries.
"The IAEA and the West demand from Tehran greater confidence, while in the last eight years, Iran has increasingly allowed the IAEA inspectors to inspect its nuclear facilities, Behishtipur, a member of the Trend Expert Council, told Trend by telephone from Tehran. - In response to it, the Western countries do not cooperate with Iran in supplying fuel to Tehran Research Reactor (TRR).
In his statement, Amano argues that Iran does not provide adequate cooperation, which would allow the Agency to provide credible assurance of the absence of Iran's undeclared nuclear material and undeclared nuclear activities, as well as the use of all nuclear material for peaceful purposes only.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and the Chairman of the Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy of Iranian Parliament Alaeddin Boroujerdi declared that the word of a possible military designation of Iran's nuclear program has been told by the IAEA under the U.S. pressure.
After Iran began to produce fuel for TRR in 2010, the Vienna Group can not forget about its irresponsible act, said Behishtipur.
"The experience gained over the past eight years demonstrates that the pressure against Iran is ineffective, the best option in this situation is to return to the negotiations and strive to build bilateral trust," he said.
In October 2009, the so-called "Vienna Group" (France, Russia and the United States) proposed a plan under which via the IAEA mediation the low-enriched uranium of Iran had to be exported to Russia for enrichment to nearly 20 percent, and then to France for reprocessing into fuel for TRR. The Islamic Republic initially endorsed the idea, but then began to attach conditions and make amendments. In particular, Tehran has refused to immediately give the IAEA all its low-enriched uranium, which deprived the meaning of the proposal of the West.
Tehran later said it was willing to buy more highly enriched uranium or exchange with its reserves, provided that the exchange will take place simultaneously on Iranian territory.
In November 2010, the former head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi said that in September 2011 TRR will be provided the main fuel produced in the country.
According to Behishtipur, the leadership of the IAEA in its reports issued from 2002 till today, has continually expressing two opposing views on the Iranian nuclear program.
"On the one hand, the Agency announced that it is impossible to guarantee the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities, on the other side - that there are no deviations in the implementation of activities on Iranian nuclear facilities, he said. - During Amano's leadership to the agency, the statements became more frequent and were support for U.S. policies and its allies. "
Iranian nuclear program has caused concern since 2003, when the IAEA became aware of its concealed activity. In late 2003, Iran signed the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and voluntarily announced about the suspension of uranium enrichment. However, it returned to this activity. Iran insists that as a party to the NPT it has the full right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Enriched uranium can be used to produce nuclear weapons. However, it is necessary as fuel for nuclear power plants. Several states, including the U.S., believe Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and want to prevent this development.