The Georgian Parliament has approved a bill ‘On useful public work’ in the third reading.
Based on the amendments made to the Penal Code, effective public work means unpaid labor of convicts, which the probation office determines.
If the convicted person refuses from the useful public work, his/her punishment will be replaced with the restriction or suppression of freedom. In addition, the period during which a convicted person serves a sentence will be reset by restricting or restraining liberty, on the base of following calculation: five hours of public work - one day of restriction of freedom, or one day of restraint of liberty.
The Probation Office and the employer will execute an agreement which is intended to specify the form of useful public work, full time, daily work hours, work place, the employer's name, address, and other circumstances relevant to resolve the issue. A copy of the agreement will be transferred to the convict.
To monitor the implementation of useful public work, as well as conduct e-monitoring, the National Probation Bureau is authorized to issue an agreement with the local authority or with another employer, which may involve the obligation to pay the amount agreed by the sides.
The convict, given his social status and working conditions, will be provided with meals, or pay expenses on food.
Public work can be carried out in any segment of the day.