Azerbaijani and Turkish experts will hande over the mine-cleared area in ancient city Karkamish in Gaziantep province of Turkey on borders with Syria to the government until January 18, 2011, senior expert of the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions (ANAMA) Adil Aslanov said.
Aslanov said Nokta Yatirim&Inshaat Company has already completed mine-clearance actions in the area. ANAMA experts are checking the area now and after the inspection they will present a certificate about the clearance of the area to the local authorities.
Nokta Yatirim&Inshaat-ANAMA consortium won a tender for the mine-clearance actions in the area of 680 thousands square meters in 2010. There was hand mine-clearance work there because Karkamish has a historic significance. It was mined in 1957.