Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denounced the continued presence of U.S. troops in the Gulf region and Afghanistan.

"The region has no need for alien troops and they should return home and let the regional states take care of their own affairs," Ahmadinejad said at a National Army Day ceremony in Tehran.
"They must leave the region and this is not a request but an order by and the will of the regional nations," he said.
The president said the deployment of US and NATO troops in Iraq and Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting terrorism has not only failed, but also increased insecurity in both countries.
Ceremonies were held throughout Iran to mark National Army Day, and parades exhibited the latest military hardware.
Ahmadinejad said that except the "Zionist regime (Israel)," Iran considered all other countries as "friend and brother" with whom the Islamic state wanted peaceful co-existence. But he also vowed that the country would use all its military potential in case of any military aggression.
The West fears an Iranian attack against its Israel, because its Shahab-3 missiles with a reported range of 2,000 kilometers could reach any part of Israeli territory.
Tehran has not ruled out using the missiles, but insists that it would only if Israel attacked Iran's nuclear sites.