On April 28, leader of Israeli Meretz Party Haim Oron will initiate a panel discussion on recognition of the so-called "Armenian Genocide" by Israel’s parliament, though the deputy is not optimistic about it.
According to Israeli izrus.co.il web source, the deputy has chosen this date as April 24 is Shabat (Saturday) and he plans deal with the issue on April 28 — after the parliamentary holiday.
“I am always in touch with Armenian organizations but this year the government will bury the "genocide" issue sooner than in previous times. There is a negotiation process between Ankara and Yerevan, and many people advise [me] not to intervene, not to hinder them. I do not see any link between 95-year-old events and current geopolitics in the region,” Oron was reported as saying.
Earlier Oron lost his ally — Ze’eva Elkin from the Likud Party — in his fight for the recognition of the far-fetched "Armenian Genocide" in the Israeli parliament when the latter was appointed as head of the coalition.