IRI Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani emphasized here Wednesday evening country’s achievements not only in peaceful nuclear field, but also at entire scientific fields is noticeable.
Larijani made the comment at the end of his visit of the Exhibition of The Iranian Laser Sciences and Technology.
Speaking for the present group of reporters there, Larijani added, “This exhibition has provided a good basis for those who are working in research fields.”
Expressing delight over being present among the scientists and that such an exhibition has been held in our country, he said, “Your center has managed to achieve far fetched goals in a very broad scale field of the laser sciences and is now a national asset for Iran and the entire Islamic world.”
The Majlis speaker referring to the usage of laser in various industries today, including in medical sciences, said, “This technology has usages from the aerospace engineering to military, medical and various other industrial fields.”
Pointing out that long strides have been taken in production of all types of lasers in the country, he said, “This technology that is localized in Iran today is definitely an important national asset and the Laser Sciences and Technology Research Center should definitely be seriously backed and strengthened.”
He reiterated, “The scientific gaps between Iran and the advanced industrial countries that had existed during the past regime are being rapidly filled and remunerated thanks to the efforts made by our talented and determined young scientists.”
Referring to Iran’s scientific achievements in peaceful nuclear field, Larijani said, “The nuclear activities have been highlighted since they have found a political dimension today, while I believe the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken long strides at entire scientific fields.”
Referring to the west’s irrational enmity against Iran, he said, “Just like the nuclear field, they assume we are after taking military advantage of the laser sciences as well, but in both cases they are mistaken since we are merely after taking humane advantage of these sciences at the service of the Iranian nation and the entire mankind.”