Turkey condemns the Khojali Tragedy, which Armenians committed and wants peace in the region. Turkish ambassador in Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilich said in a conference held in Turkish embassy.
"Armenians has claimed about massacre since 1914. If a lot of nations lived in peace with Ottoman Turks at that time, how could only Armenians be massacred,'' Kilich added.
"Khojali massacre is not a reason but result," historian Nasiman Yaqublu said at the conference.
Khojali massacre is a result of the Armenians policy, which ages 2 centuries.
As one of the witnesses, Yagublu mentioned historical facts and spoke about Armenians' arrival to Caucasus. "There is no place of residence with Armenian name in the maps dating either in 18th or in 19th century," Yaqublu said.
"The 150th anniversary of Armenians' arrival in Caucasus was celebrated within the Soviet Union in 1978 and a monument was erected on this occasion. However, later they destroyed that monument in order to deny the fact," Yagublu said.
Publisher of the first book about Khojali tragedy - 'Khojali massacre', Yaqublu indicated the Armenian brutality, demonstrating documents about old people and children died in Khojali.
Armenian military forces committed genocide acts in the town of Khojaly, Azerbaijan, with the population of 7,000 people on Feb. 26 1992. There were 3,000 people in the town at the time of Armenian military forces' attack. Most part of the population had to leave town during four months blockade. 613 people were killed, 1,000 peaceful people of different age became invalid during Khojaly genocide. 106 women, 63 children, 70 old men were killed. 8 families were completely annihilated, 130 children lost one parents, while 25 both of them. 1,275 peace residents were taken hostages, while the fate of 150 of them is still unknown.
/Trend News/