Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said on Monday that his country supported and would continue to support Turkey's EU membership bid.

Holding a press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Recerp Tayyip Erdogan in Madrid, Zapatero said that Spain, during its EU presidency term, was working on opening four new chapters in Turkey's EU membership negotiations.
Zapatero said that one of those four chapters was energy which was blocked by Greek Cypriot administration.
Zapatero noted that Spanish government was exerting efforts to settle a dialogue process and reach an agreement regarding Cyprus issue, and it was pursuing its activities in good relations with all parties.
He also said that Turkey and Spain had common visions in many issues.
Noting that Turkey's role in the Middle East, Iran, unity for Mediterranean, cultural, political and economic relations were discussed during bilateral talks in Madrid, Zapatero said that Spanish companies in Turkey grew, and there were strong relations between Turkish and Spanish companies. He added that Spanish companies were interested especially in infrastructure investments in Turkey.
Disagreeing the criticisms that Alliance of Civilizations had not meet the expectations so far, Zapatero said that more than 100 countries joined the Alliance of Civilizations, and they always expressed positive views.
Noting that Alliance of Civilizations was helping to settle dialogue, Zapatero said that also Alliance of Civilizations was against discrimination, and supporting mutual understanding and dialogue, and respect to different cultures and religions.
/World Bulletin/