Brazil has warned against imposing a new round of UN sanctions on Iran, saying that the dispute over Iran's nuclear program should be resolved through peaceful means.

"We don't want Iran to have nuclear arms, let there be no doubt about that. They, like other countries, have the right to a peaceful (nuclear power) program," Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said on Tuesday.
"We want to reach certainty (on Iran's program) through dialogue and peaceful means," Reuters quoted Amorim as saying.
The Brazilian foreign minister also said that sanctions tend to mostly cause suffering for the residents of the nations targeted rather than their governments.
"In the case of Iraq, I saw much suffering of the Iraqi people. Infant mortality went up enormously, and I saw that (sanctions) had no real impact on Saddam Hussein," he stated.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday US President Barack Obama said that a new push for international sanctions against Tehran was moving along fairly quickly and should be completed in the next few weeks.
However, Tehran has repeatedly declared that it will not relinquish the Iranian nation's legitimate nuclear rights under Western pressure.
/Press TV/