NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has reiterated that main difference between Russia and the alliance is the issue of Georgia, which was not solved even a year after the August war. Rasmussen spoke about NATO-Georgia relations and the prospects of the country to join the alliance in his radio interview within his visit to the Russian capital.
The NATO Chief reiterated that the resolution of the Bucharest summit, which said that Georgia and Ukraine would become the members of the alliance after a definite period, was still in force.
When questioned what the NATO Secretary General though about the security concept for Europe proposed by Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, Rasmussen said that Europe already had its basic principles of security, among which were the protection of the territorial integrity of the countries. Secretary General exemplified Georgia and the Russian intervention in this country as a clear example of violating the key principle of the basic principle of the Europe`s security.