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Turkiye's export boom in defence and aviation tops record high

05 September 2024 [21:19] - TODAY.AZ

Exports in August reached 22.1 billion dollars, marking the highest August export record in the history of the Republic. One of the sectors that contributed significantly to this success was the "defence and aviation industry," with exports of 423 million dollars. This sector drew attention as one of the prominent areas in export growth.

Turkey, on its path to provide its own defense equipment with domestic and national resources, has now become a power that exports to 171 different countries.

The defense and aviation sector continued its upward trend in export performance in August.

Presidential Defense Industries President Haluk Görgün evaluated the defense and aviation sector's export performance in August in a post he shared on his social media account.

Monthly exports increased by 12.6 percent

Defense and aviation exports increased by 12.6 percent in August compared to the same month last year, reaching 423 million dollars.

8-month exports increased by 9.8 percent

In addition, the sector's 8-month exports increased by 9.8 percent compared to the same period last year, reaching 3 billion 738 million dollars.

"Exports increased by 13.4 percent annually in a period of 1 year"

Stating that defense and aviation exports increased by 12.6 percent in August compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 423 million dollars, Görgün noted the following:

On the other hand, in the first eight months of 2024, our defense and aviation exports increased by 9.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 3 billion 738 million dollars. Thus, in the last one year, our exports increased by 13.4 percent on an annual basis.

As the defense industry, our main goal in the export strategy is to ensure a permanent increase trend in the export of high value-added products. The fact that our companies can export to almost the entire world, not to a certain region, has been another important goal that we have achieved success in our export strategy.

In line with this goal, our companies exported products to 171 different countries in 2024. In the coming period, as the Presidency of Defense Industries; we will continue our work with an approach that embraces both our large-scale companies and medium, small-scale enterprises and SMEs, with the aim of increasing the number of our exporting companies and making exports sustainable for the entire sector.


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