TODAY.AZ / World news

Vodafone plans to enter Uzbek market

21 August 2024 [21:22] - TODAY.AZ

By Alimat Aliyeva

Mobile operator Vodafone plans to enter the Uzbek market. This was announced by entrepreneur Farkhod Mamatjanov at a meeting with the president held on August 20 in Nukus, Azernews reports.

Farkhod Mamatjanov is the founder of the textile company UzTex Group and the main shareholder of InfinBANK, and also owns a number of other businesses. He noted that his structures have begun cooperation with the British operator Vodafone, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, in order to introduce 5G Standalone mobile communications in Uzbekistan.

"We have privatized the Perfectum company. After conducting research inside the bank, we came to the conclusion that in order to reach private entrepreneurs at the grassroots level, a high-quality Internet is needed. In partnership with Uzcard, we have launched a revolutionary plan — the creation of Vodafone. If everything goes according to plan, the launch will take place next year," Mamatdzhanov said.

The entrepreneur added that the Finnish company Nokia will participate in the project as a supplier of equipment and technologies. He stressed that the supply of equipment has already begun, and installation work is actively underway.


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