TODAY.AZ / World news

Chinese FM: We will take measures in response to US sanctions against companies due to Xinjiang

11 December 2023 [23:20] - TODAY.AZ

By Alimat Aliyeva

The Chinese authorities will take retaliatory measures in connection with the next US sanctions against Chinese companies due to the existing problem of human rights violations in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR), Azernews reports, citing International Media Outlets.

This was stated by the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning.

"The American side has once again fabricated and disseminated false information, using the so-called human rights issue in Xinjiang as a pretext for imposing illegal sanctions against Chinese enterprises and individuals," she said at a briefing.

"China will take decisive retaliatory measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of its citizens and businesses."

The official representative added that the United States "must stop slandering China," lift unilateral sanctions, and stop promoting bills related to the "prevention of forced labor of Uighurs."

She stressed that by doing so, Washington seriously infringes on the interests of the PRC, interferes in its internal affairs, and violates diplomatic norms.

"China categorically condemns this, we strongly oppose it," Mao Ning stressed. According to her, the United States does not have the competence to "point the finger at the human rights situation in Xinjiang."

"And the so-called genocide and forced labor in Xinjiang is an epochal lie invented to curb and suppress China. It has long been debunked by genuine facts," the Chinese diplomat said.

Mao Ning clarified that the United States seeks to restrain the development of China in this way and "fully manifested its malicious intentions." She advised the American authorities to address the internal problems of their country - racial discrimination, violence and drug trafficking.


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