The Georgian Parliament called upon the international community to stop the wilful damage of Georgian historical monuments in Abkhazia.
Parliament has expressed concern about the so-called restoration of the Mokvi, Bedia temples and others that is harmful to the medieval historical monuments.
"This restoration has already damaged the temple in Ilori," the statement said. "The inscriptions in the Georgian language and painting were erased. The purpose of these actions is to destroy all Georgian things in the occupied territory of Abkhazia."
The Georgian Parliament has requested help from international and Georgian experts in the process of the so-called restoration.
'The international community must urge the Russian authorities and Abkhazia's puppet regime to stop the illegal destruction of the historic rights and to allow UNESCO experts and other competent organisations to eaxmine these monuments', a statement said.
Military actions were launched in the Georgian territory, South Ossetia on Aug.8 in 2008. Later the Russian troops occupied the city of Tskhinvali and drove the Georgian military back. Russia recognised the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in late August. In response, Tbilisi broke off diplomatic relations with Moscow and announced the two unrecognised republics as occupied territories.