The Turkish Petroleum Corporation TPAO will start drilling in Northern Cyprus within the next 15 days, TPAO Director General Mehmet Uysal was quoted by the Sabah newspaper as saying today.
He added that the initial work will be carried out in the Turkyurdu-1 well in Magos.
After Nicosia began developing the shelf near the shores of the island, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Ankara will be exploring for oil and gas in the exclusive economic zone of Northern Cyprus along with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Dervis Eroglu of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) signed an agreement in New York on the delineation of the continental shelf between the two countries in the Eastern Mediterranean on Sept.21.
Then Erdogan warned about imposing sanctions against companies who were cooperating with the Republic of Cyprus (Greek) side in the shelf development.