Georgian parliament at a special meeting on Tuesday finally adopted the draft of the new Electoral Code of the country. During the passage of the bill voted 111 MPs - against two. 111 MPs voted for, while two went against.
The new Electoral Code requires the abolition of candid cameras in polling stations and voters marking. A special commission by the NSC which will control the abuse of administrative resources is created. This commission will also include representatives of opposition parties.
The funding of election campaigns is also changes. In particular, the selective agent that during the parliamentary elections will overcome the five percent barrier, one-time will receive from the state budget one million lari (606 thousand dollars) to cover the election campaign, of which 300 thousand lari (about 180 thousand dollars) - for advertising. This amount will be transferred to them within 15 days after summarizing the election results.
In addition, the amount of donations to the election fund of subjects from individuals doubles - up to 60 thousand lari (about 36 thousand dollars).
Accordings to the new code, the party lists of candidates increase on the proportional system from 100-200 to 150-250.
The new Electoral Code requires lengthening of summarizing the results of presidential election. If under the current Electoral Code CEC summed up the presidential election on the eighth day, according to new regulations - on the 20th.
On the basis of a new model of the Constitution of Georgia, which was adopted last year, the draft stated that any citizen who has attained 35 years of age, who for five years lived in Georgia, including the last three years may become president of Georgia. Under the current Electoral Code, any citizen, resident in the country for 15 years may become president of Georgia.
Based on the preliminary conclusion of the Venice Commission, draft was completed with a number of changes. In particular, the right of independent candidates to participate in elections and the right of convicted of lung crimes to the vote restored. Initially, these rights were not taken into account in the new draft Code.
In addition, limits for candidates to the Parliament of Georgia were established, and thus the Electoral Code is in conformity with the Constitution. Under the Constitution, a citizen of Georgia, who for five years lived in the country, including the last two years before calling an election, may become a deputy.
The current Electoral Code states that a citizen, resident in the country for at least 10 years, may become a deputy of Parliament of Georgia.
Under the new Code, the presidential or parliamential candidates, as well as parties or blocks can be removed from the election if they present an appropriate statement not later than 10 days before the election. Under the current electoral code, electoral actors could be withdrawn from the vote in 12 hours before start.
Innovation is to provide observers the right to photo and video at the polling station without interfering with the electoral process.
Also there are changes in the new Electoral Code, relating to the financing of election agents. In particular, companies with state shares are not entitled to make donations to election subjects (as well as in the current code). The initial project involved the provision of right to make donations to companies with less than 50 percent state share.
Restrictions on free political advertising in the new Electoral Code are not changed. Just as in the existing law, political television and radio advertisements must not exceed 15 percent of the broadcast day, including one political entity can not be granted more than one third of air time.
But it noted that the tariffs for paid political advertising should be the same for all electoral actors.