The United States is viewing possible supply of military cargo of NATO to Afghanistan by the so-called Caspian transit - via Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, says the analytical article "Americans not via Russia" of the Russian "Commersant" newspaper, in its edition of December 12 with reference to Afghan Lemar TV channel.
The TV channel in turn refers to high ranking sources in Pentagon.
According to western experts, this will help the United States and NATO to successfully complete operation in Afghanistan without Russia's help and also fix their position in the Caspian states.
The article says that the supply of cargo to Afghanistan via Pakistan is unreliable and Talibs committed three attacks against the terminals of the NATO troops just in December.
"Head of the committee of US armed troops command Micheal Mullen has partially confirmed the information saying: "We have done much to work out other ways of provision of troops and have attained a significant progress in this direction", says the article.
The conduction of talks about the new afghan route was also confirmed in the Georgian parliament. "The port in Poti is strategically important for our western allies. From Poti the cargo can be supplied to Azerbaijan and from there to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. But as far as I know, the agreement of Azerbaijan on this project has not been received yet", said one of the deputies of the ruling National Movement of Georgia.
Azerbaijani political scientists assured the Commersant correspondent that "such talks can take place and the cost of Azerbaijan's agreement is the resolution of the Karabakh issue".
"Azerbaijan has a favorable geographical location and it will use it for its national interests, primarily in the resolution of the Karabakh issue", said deputy of Azerbaijani parliament Anar Mamedkhanov.