Day.Az interview with Thomas Holtz, University Montana professor and famous US journalist.
- You are now is Georgia. What do you think of the developments around South Ossetia, as a specialist on the Caucasus?- This is a real disaster for Georgia, for the region and the whole world. I would like to note that Russia carried it actions not only in South Ossetia. I think, it was a trap, while the real "fish" was Abkhazia, as well as Georgia's reorientation (and thus, Azerbaijan's) from West to North, that is to Russia.
- Most people call the developments as the action, the Kremlin had planned in advance. Why does it happen now?- As I have mentioned above, Russia's intention was to use "humanitarian interference" with South Ossetia as a cause for greater reorientation of the regional powers and for sending a clear message to idiots in Washington that days of Russia's maltreating have come to an end.
You ask why does it happen now? It is comfortable and it is possible to state that an agreement on the missile shield with Poland has become the last drop following the developments in Kosovo, US campaign in Iraq, NATO expansion and so on.
- Do you agree that Washington's reaction to the events was late and too soft?- Along with being late, the main issue is that Russia's actions revealed a simple fact: the United States did not react at all, except for the threat of the third world war for Georgia, which the United States was not going to hold, regardless of Georgia's expectations.
- But events revealed that Russia's actions affected US interests as well. BTC pipeline, which is of strategic concern for the United States, was attacked by Russia. Can the United States further join provision of security of regional energy projects?- This is a good question, which concerns most people in Washington at the present time. It is frustrating as it brings economic problems above humanitarian once. If oil is really more important than the principles, then, I am sure that those who wish to ensure the oil flow by any means, will create conditions for it to happen, regardless of who rules Tbilisi now.
- Will the events in Georgia influence its accession to NATO?- The idea that Georgia may now join NATO is completely insane. Perhaps, it has always been insane, which is also a part of the tragedy: fantasy has won over the reality and ordinary people have to pay for it.
- Can Georgian events influence Azerbaijan and the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict?- I would have prefered not to answer this question but still I will answer. Certainly, there is an interconnection between the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia and Nagorno Karabakh conflict in Georgia. The lesson is that the winner will need to get Russia's support.