“One of the prior issues for Azerbaijan in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will be the discussion of the recent elections in different countries, including Armenia”, Samad Seyidov, Chief Delegate of Azerbaijan to PACE told APA.
He said some international organizations including Council of Europe had not properly estimated the anti-democratic presidential elections in Armenia, which contradicted to the norms of law.
Samad Seyidov said he raised this issue in the PACE Bureau.
“If the Council of Europe is the organization concerning with human rights, supremacy of law and democracy, why they are not inviting Armenian opposition leaders to the Council of Europe while they have invited Russian, Georgian and Azerbaijani opposition leaders to the discussions after the elections in those countries? They have not reacted to the ban of newspapers in Armenia and only advised to lift the problem. We are protesting these double standards and will bring these points on agenda during the April Session”.