After emergency state was declared in Yerevan, residents of other Armenian regions also were found in informational blockade.
The Wanadzor office of the Helsinki Civil Association has initiated an informational meeting with a demand to provide information.
For this purpose, the representatives of the organization appealed to the city administration for permission to hold meetings on March 6-8. The city administration did not grant the appeal, saying that "the meetings may pose a threat to the life and health of event participants". After that the organization undertook an attempt to publish a special edition of the daily "Civil Initiative".
Articles have been prepared for the special edition, however, the head of the publishing house was ordered not to issue the newspaper by the oblast administration. "Thus, local municipalities and state bodies violate major principles of human rights and liberties, including in other regions where emergency state was not declared by a presidential order in conditions of emergency state by the use of administrative resources and of pressure on the economic establishments.
In this conditions, we are made to act illegally to further bring to responsibility for violation of unwritten laws", the statement of the Helsinki civil association says.