Some important changes have been made to the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program.
The due announcement was made by US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Anne Derse at a press conference today.
She noted that instead of issuing regular solicitations for proposals on specific themes, "we will now accept any applications under the broad theme of democracy from any eligible organization at any time and will fund competitive projects throughout the year".
"We feel that the old process was too restrictive and limited the organizations that were able to apply. We hope the new process will encourage more NGOs to design projects that best utilize their skills and resources".
Moreover, the US ambassador noted that the commission will be making a greater effort to reach out to new NGOs in the regions throughout Azerbaijan and offer them the kind of support that more established NGOs in Baku have long enjoyed.
"We hope this more open application process and permanent project themes will make the program both more competitive and more accessible to NGOs throughout Azerbaijan. As you know, we are committed to helping ensure that the upcoming elections are free and fair in Azerbaijan", she said.
It should be noted that the embassy has allocated grants in the amount of $2,400,000 to NGOs by means of the program since 1997. Over 200 organizations received grants for implementation of 240 projects.