TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani Parliament's debates focus on state of media

31 May 2007 [22:22] - TODAY.AZ
The next meeting of Azerbaijani Parliament started today.

The parliamentarians focused on the state of freedom of expression and press in the country most of all during the debate of current problems.

Parliamentarians Sabir Rustamkhanli, Panah Huseyn, Igbal Agazadeh, Gudret Hasanguliyev and others said they were anxious about the group of journalists’ seeking asylum from foreign countries. They said such activity of journalists damages the international image of the country. The parliamentarians reminding summer session of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe will start stated that the problems in media should be solved by the session.

Vice-speaker of the Parliament Ziyafat Asgarov asserting the speech of parliamentarians stressed that several journalists used it as a campaign and try to derive benefit from it.

MP Sayavush Novruzov accused the journalists who appeal to foreign countries to make show, APA reports.

"There are several journalists who present themselves as the representatives of other nations for seeking asylum from foreign countries. And why only the journalists of the same newspapers claim that there is not freedom of expression in Azerbaijan? The journalists of the other newspapers would claim on it, if there was not freedom of expression in Azerbaijan. On the other hand, several political parties want to be popular by making use the state of media," he said.

MP Panah Huseyn welcomed lifting the ban on azan with loudspeakers.
Commenting on Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's opinion "The alternative of the peace is war" said that they debated this issue with several NGOs.

"We decided that all the political forces should demonstrate national solidarity," he said.

Huseyn also initiated the proposal of holding closed debate in Parliament regarding the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev addressing the meeting proposed to raise the salary of parliamentarians.

Sayavush Novruzov proposed amending the draft on "Freedom of religious faith". The parliamentarian said that amendments should be made to draft on holding religious ceremonies.


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