Mammadyarov said that the number of unsettled issues is reducing. 'We realize the responsibility that lies on a negotiating party aiming at liberation of territories and return of refugees,' he said.
The Azeri Minister also informed of two 'ideas' existing at the talks. 'These are the terms of referendum on Nagorno Karabakh status (the Armenian side insists on 5 years while we agree to hold referendum in 15 years) and the issue of returning Lachin to Azerbaijan,' he said.
Mammadyarov also commented on the statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov who called on Ilham Aliyev and Robert Kocharian to coordinate the basic principles of the conflict settlement. 'My attitude about the statement is positive. Presently we should press for greater attention of the international community. For the first time the NATO member states determined their position on the settlement of conflicts in the South Caucasus. They support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the South Caucasian states and Moldova and this stand determines the settlement format. I think that the resolution adopted by the Council of Europe as well as EU bilateral documents fix a new action plan,' he said.