TODAY.AZ / Politics

Western policy in search of weak point in S Caucasus: 10 mln euro package plus sweatshop for Armenians

23 July 2024 [13:00] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Fatima Latifova

While the issue of peace negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia is in the spotlight and is developing intensively in the South Caucasus, Western forces are trying to slow down this process by all means. It is no coincidence that, at a time when signing a peace agreement between the two sides for the first time in 30 years has become a topic, the European Union and the United States have decided to re-arm Yerevan and strengthen military cooperation.

Interestingly, immediately after the release of the news on the US military representative joining the Armenian Ministry of Defence, the Armenian side refused to hold a meeting between the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia within the framework of the "European Political Community" summit on the initiative and participation of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. It seems that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's peace-inclined steps were not due to the necessity of establishing stability in the region but to his state of being desperate for help. This shows that Armenia is interested in reigniting the conflict and delaying peace with the smallest support it receives.

Yesterday, the European Council accepted a 10 million euro aid package from the European Peace Facility (EPF) for the Armenian Armed Forces. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, emphasised the importance of strengthening military cooperation with Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijani lands for 30 years and devastated the region.

Doesn't this step tarnish the EU's reputation and undermine the principles of global justice?

Speaking to Azernews, Azerbaijani military expert Adalat Verdiyev, said in his comment that it is regrettable that aid is still being allocated to Armenia.

"Supporting a country with a history of 30 years of occupation and ignoring the fact of occupation is very unfortunate. The steps taken to re-arm Armenia must be stopped. The expert said that the allocated amount could support Armenian provocations.

The 10 million euros of military aid allocated to Armenia by the European Union is significant to us in terms of what weapons it will spend on. Although these weapons may not be enough to cover Armenia's losses during the war, they can be considered sufficient for Armenia to continue its previous provocations," the expert said.

Verdiyev recalled that the whole Caucasus region had witnessed how insufficient the military support given to Armenia was during the Second Garabagh War.

"The value of the weapons allocated to Armenia at that time was measured in billions of dollars, and this did not ensure Armenia's resistance potential against Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani army regained the territories that Armenia had held under occupation for 30 years with these weapons in just 45 days. Azerbaijan liberated Garabagh and destroyed Armenian weapons and equipment, making Armenian soldiers flee the battleground. Therefore, it is clear that Armenia will not achieve any significant success with this 10 million euros. However, we cannot ignore that they will gain some moral support," he added.

The military expert noted that any weapon is only as strong as the will of the person using it.

"Many armies in the world have expensive weapons, but what makes a weapon a weapon is the fighting spirit of the soldier using it. Without the professional skills and fighting spirit of a soldier, even the most advanced weapons are just piles of metal. Therefore, regardless of what weapons Armenia acquires, it does not seem possible for its fugitive army to gain any resistance potential against Azerbaijan in the coming decade," the expert stressed.

Verdiyev said that Azerbaijan is closely monitoring Armenia's armament and is fully prepared against even the slightest threat that may arise.

"Armenia has certain offensive weapons that they previously acquired from France and India. They have CAESAR and Howitzer weapons. They have Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launch systems acquired from India. Today, Armenia is actively arming itself, and the Azerbaijani side is carefully and precisely monitoring this armament. If these weapons are brought close to the border to a distance that poses a threat to the life and health of Azerbaijani soldiers, the Azerbaijani army will definitely neutralise these weapons with preventive measures," he noted.

EU involves Armenians to sweatshop

Western policy is trying to undermine the South Caucasus, finding a weak point in the region. For this reason, EU political leaders, even think tanks are trying to reapply the failed Georgia scenario in Armenia.

The European Union's decision to ease the visa regime for Armenian citizens is more aimed at dividing Armenia and establishing its own power in the South Caucasus than its benevolent intentions. The economic crisis in Armenia, especially after the war, did not escape the attention of the European Union leadership. Moreover, the financial support promised to a group of Armenians when they were motivated to leave Garabagh but accept Azerbaijani citizenship meant a kind of preparation for the current situation. It is a policy unique to the EU in the true sense of the word - to employ Armenians as a cheap labour force in Europe.

Certainly, empty stomachs have neither military patriotism nor political interests; their only thought is to leave the country and find a job somewhere in Europe. But what will be the use of the €10 million package of military aid signed by the EU's High Representative? Let this be a vanity that Armenian partners in Europe gave them as a gift. It doesn't matter what is within its essence...


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