TODAY.AZ / Politics

Mayor of Ljubljana city congratulates President Ilham Aliyev

23 February 2024 [16:47] - TODAY.AZ

Zoran Jankovic, Mayor of the city of Ljubljana has sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev, Azernews reports.

The letter reads:

His Excellency Mr. Iham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

"Your Excellency Mr. President,

On my own behalf and on behalf of the leadership of the City of Ljubljana, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations on your victory in the recent presidential elections.

Your success in winning the trust and faith of the people is a testament to your dedication, leadership, and vision for the future of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I am confident that your term in office will be marked by prosperity and success, and the realization of the aspirations of the nation, as you lead it once again with integrity, compassion, and wisdom.

Together with the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I look forward to all the achievements and further developments they will experience under your leadership. On a personal note, I wish you all that the fire in the land of fires never dies.

Good luck and welcome to Ljubljana anytime!

Yours sincerely,

Zoran Jankovic

Mayor of the city of Ljubljana"


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