TODAY.AZ / Politics

Turkish FM issues statement on agreement reached between Azerbaijan & Armenia

08 December 2023 [10:15] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Abbas Ganbay

The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement regarding the agreement on taking serious steps in the direction of confidence building between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Azernews reports.

"It is satisfied with the decision to reach an agreement in the direction of taking serious steps in the direction of confidence-building between the two countries, as stated in the joint statement issued by the Administration of the President of the Azerbaijani Republic of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia. We support the idea of??continuing discussions for the implementation of confidence-building measures.

We wish for the early signing of the peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which will be one of the most important events for the establishment of permanent peace and stability in the South Caucasus".


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