Winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe will be held on January 23-27, 2006.

APA was informed from the Council of Europe Information Office in Azerbaijan that, the election of PACE president, vise-presidents, judges of European Court on Human Rights, PACE committee members will be held in the session. Report on the development of Bureau and Standing Committee, speeches of head of Committee of Ministers and Secretary General will be listened.
Latvian deputy Boris Kilevsk will deliver a report on the situation on refugees and internally displaced persons in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. The agenda of the session also includes 6 November parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan.
PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteur on Azerbaijan Andres Herkel told APA that he will put forward the suggestion on discussing the mandate of the Azerbaijani delegation.
A.Herkel said that, he, the other co-rapporteur Andreas Gross and head of PACE Election Observation Mission Leo Platvoet will draw up a special report separately on the conclusions of their visit to Baku in the post-election period and submit to PACE.
The sittings of PACE Bureau and Monitoring Committee will be held in the framework of the session.