Foreign Minister Elmar Mammedyarov who is attending the international conference on establishment of democracy in Iraq is conducting bilateral meetings.

Head of Press and Information Office of Foreign Ministry Tahir Tagizade informed APA that, E.Mammedyarov met European Union (EU) foreign policy and security commissar Javier Solana yesterday.
The sides discussed the relations and their perspectives between Azerbaijan and the EU. EU’s Neighborhood Policy program and Azerbaijan’s activity plan for joining this policy.
E.Mammedyarov gave information about the process of regulation of the Nagorno Karabakh problem following Javier Solana’s request. J .Solana expressed the interest of his organization in the solution of the problem as soon as possible and stated that the EU is ready to assist with establishing tranquility in the region.
E.Mammedyarov met Secretary General of Islamic Conference Organization Ahmaladdin Ihsanoglu, too. The issues concerning Azerbaijan’s activity in this organization, activating the cooperation between this organization and Azerbaijan were debated in the meeting.