The former Russian co-chairman of the Minsk Group of OSCE Vladimir Kazimirov participated in the “Geo-strategic significance of Azerbaijan” seminar held in Baku on the invitation of the non-governmental organizations.
V.Kazimirov informed in his exclusive explanation given to APA that the details had not been correctly determined in the negotiations held between Azerbaijan and Armenia in connection with regulating the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
“Armenia will not give 7 regions back to Azerbaijan for nothing. Multi-stage guarantees are needed for the regions’ being returned back. For this at first Azerbaijan must undertake definite engagements. Because, Azerbaijan is the side more inclined to solve the conflict by means of war. Another side of the conflict – Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh must also undertake the obligations. Both the countries being chairmen, Security Council of UNO and SOCE must guarantee that no violation will be allowed after the peace agreement is concluded. Without these guarantees the conflict can not be solved in a peaceful way. Azerbaijan will meet with a failure if it begins war”.
Kazimirov considered important to preserve the ceasefire in the contact line of the armies.
“Violating the ceasefire means unnecessary victims. The defense ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a document with the agreement of the state heads after agreement on ceasefire had been achieved in 1994. It is intended in that document that both sides must establish direct relations in connection with the control on ceasefire regime. If any incident happens, the side considering it damaged side informs the opposite side in writing form. Only after 7 hours the damaged side must inform the media about the incident and must also present a version of the opposite side. It is a pity that these rules are not followed. Is it worth to help the conflicting sides not fulfilling the document signed by them?”
Kazimirov said that the information about the personal representative of the present chairman of OSCE Andrzey Kasprzyk’s not having a mandate to register that which side violated the ceasefire was doubtful. “At present I do not have the document related to this mandate, but I do not believe that Kasprzyk was not given such mandate”.