The official persons have to submit the report on their incomes to the Commission on Fights against Corruption till July 30, these regulations were reflected in the draft 'the Guidelines on submission the financial information by the officials', directed to Milli Mejlis by the Azerbaijani President.

Milli Mejlis chairman and his deputies, prime minister deputies, heads of the executive authorities and their deputies, heads of the President's Executive Apparate, Apparate of Milli Mejlis, High Court, President's consultant and assistant, head of Nakhchivan High Mejlis and his deputies, general procurator and his deputies, military procurator, Ombudsman, head of the National Bank and his deputies, Counting Chamber, Central Election Commission, ambassadors and the heads of the high schools are shown as the officials in the draft.
The information must be submitted to the Commission as the application and the written form. The officials must point out the family members, property, obligation of the financial and labor character. After the confirmation of the draft 'the Guidelines on submission the financial information by the officials' in Milli Mejlis, the officials will submit these applications to the Commission annually from January 1-30. (Trend)