One determined shopper has become a viral sensation after she was filmed desperately trying to climb an escalator going the wrong way.
Wearing heels, the blonde lady manages to conquer the escalator following a lengthy climb and a few final lunges.
As well as reaching the summit of the next floor at Saks Fifth Avenue in New York to the sound of laughter from those capturing the moment, the shopper is given several odd looks by bemused passers-by riding the escalator in the correct direction.
Since being posted online last Friday the clip has been viewed over 400,000 times, prompting much merriment and some doubts as to its authenticity.
However responding to accusations of fakery, another viewer remarked: "If it was staged why would she do it in heals [sic]".
"Ask any girl heals [sic] are hell," the presumably female commentator adds.
The Telegraph/
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