An extremely clever cat, Pepper, has been hailed a hero after preventing his owners’ house from burning down by opening a window in the kitchen. Pepper lets himself out of the window every night, having learnt how to open the latch.
And when a fire broke out at Sharon and Phil White’s home while the pair were out Christmas shopping on Saturday, the five-year-old cat leapt to the rescue by opening the window and letting the smoke escape.
The billowing smoke subsequently alerted neighbours who called the fire brigade and the firefighters prevented the fire from spreading to the rest of the house.
Commenting on Pepper’s actions, Mrs White, from Totnes in Devon, said: ‘I dread to think how the fire may have spread if Pepper hadn’t opened the window.
'There is some damage to the kitchen but it was isolated, so nothing compared to what it could have been.
‘We are thankful our neighbours did not just dismiss the smoke as a bonfire.'
Fire crew commander Stefan Belsten also said the fire had been dealt with quickly thanks to Pepper’s actions.
‘The cat was scared and he managed to get himself out. That's why the neighbours noticed the smoke,’ he said.
‘If he hadn't done that, the fire would have developed quite a lot.’