TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Renowned numismatist unveils history of Azerbaijani coins

04 April 2024 [17:58] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The National Art Museum has hosted a historical lecture titled "Stamped Coins of Azerbaijan".

Renowned collector and numismatist Rustam Huseynov briefed the lecture participants about the history of stamped coins that were minted in Azerbaijan in different periods of time, Azernews reports.

Rustam Huseynov provided details on the samples of the Aq Qoyunlu and Qara Qoyunlu, as well as Safavid coins with countermarks, highlighting their historical significance.

At the lecture, the numismatist emphasised the importance of the coins in revealing interesting facts about the rulers and the economies of the states.

He underlined that coins often provide more accurate historical data that reflects traditional chronicles.

The event received positive feedback from guests, who engaged in discussions about the circulation of coins and their historical implications. The lecture totally captivated attendees with its unique coin display.

Rustam Huseynov is eager to further share his passion for uncovering lesser-known historical facts with Azerbaijani history enthusiasts and coin collectors.

The next lecture will be dedicated to Safavid coins.

Founded in 1937, the National Art Museum offers art connoisseurs some of the best examples of decoratively applied arts of Western Europe.

Over 3,000 items in 60 rooms are on permanent display at the museum, and around 12,000 items are kept in storage. Here, you can see masterpieces of the Italian, French, German, and Polish masters of brush.

The museum has successfully organised and hosted numerous high-level international exhibitions, showcasing the works of renowned artists.

These exhibitions have not only attracted art enthusiasts but have also contributed to the cultural exchange between Azerbaijan and other countries.


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