On May 25-27, Baku will host Worldfood Azerbaijan – 2011, 17th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Food Industry Exhibition.
Organizers of exhibition are ITE Group and Iteca Caspian companies. WorldFood Azerbaijan exhibition became effective platform and business pitch, which create conditions to strengthen the existing relations, determine new partners and apply cutting-edge technologies in Azerbaijan’s food sector.
As a result of efforts of companies such as ITE Group’s partners’ network – EUF (Turkey), GIMA (Germany), ITE Gulf (UAE), ITE China (China), ITE Poland, the mentioned exhibition differs with its many international participating and visitors. WorldFood Azerbaijan is part of the world-famous brand exhibitions WorldFood, which combines the largest exhibitions of food industry in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, India and other countries. For the past 6 years, show marked the recognition of the international exhibition community UFI (Global Association of the Exhibition Industry). Sign "Approved by UFI » shows line shows all the international standards and demonstrates a high level of organization of the event.
For the first time, this year, the exhibition will be held in Baku Expo Center, which will expand the exhibition area, as well as increase the level of services provided to participants. WorldFood Azerbaijan in 2011 will bring together under one roof, five thematic exhibitions: WorldFood, WorldDrink, FoodPack, WorldFoodTech and AgriHort, thus effectively covering virtually all areas of the food industry.
So WorldDrink presents a rich assortment of drinks. With the interesting solutions of packaging equipment from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia and other countries will be met at the exhibition FoodPack. WorldFoodTech will demonstrate the equipment for different areas of the food industry, supermarkets and laboratory analysis. AgriHort in turn will offer agricultural equipment and machinery, as well as feed additives, fertilizers, veterinary medicines. Traditional sections of the exhibition will provide: meat and poultry, canned foods, dairy products, ice cream, groceries, fruits and vegetables, dietetic food, and much more.
Over the years the exhibition has collected a large database of the target audience, thus being an important meeting place for contracts. According to the audit, 76% of visitors are food industry professionals. Tracking trends and market needs, the exhibition annually invites new companies that go with the current proposals. So this year, 40% of the exposition will be newcomers. Taking the country’s increasing food production into account, this year the exhibition will present a company offering equipment for laboratory research. For the first time, local company that runs the production of holograms at will be presented the show too.