Azerbaijani turkologist, doctor of philological sciences Ramiz Asgar was awarded an “Altun asr” international prize of Turkmenistan President for translation of popular Turkmen poet Molla Nafi's “Selected poems” into Azerbaijani.
The presentation was held in the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat.
Asgar has to date translated such works as “Oguzlar” by Farug Sumer, “Turkish miphology” by Bahaddin Ogel, “Qutadgu Bilik” by Yusif Balasagunlu, “Divani-lugat-it-turk” by Mahmud Kashgari, works by Makhdimgulu, selected poems by Oraz Yagmur, Todur Zanet and Anthology of Uzbek poetry of the XX century.