Well, below is what the young Azerbaijani singer said:
"Hi from Oslo!!! Guys, today is a very big holiday here – National Day of Norway! Among Norwegians, as I’ve heard, the day is referred to simply as syttande/syttende mai (meaning May Seventeenth), Nasjonaldagen (The National Day) or Grunnlovsdagen (The Constitution Day) and even just 17th. That’s awesome ‘cause I’m 17 now and love this number! The most important thing about this holiday is its very non-military nature.
All over Norway, children's parades with an abundance of flags form are the central elements of the celebration. Each elementary school district arranges its own parade with marching bands between schools. In Oslo, children from all the city's schools gather to parade past the Royal Palace, where they and the Royal Family exchange waves and greetings. It’s so beautiful and peaceful! So I’m going to celebrations now and I want to congratulate all my fans here. Best wishes to all Norwegians and Happy National Day!"
/Eurovision Talents/