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Gunay Afandiyeva highlights Int'l Turkic Culture & Heritage Foundation's work in Ankara

25 January 2023 [14:53] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Laman Ismayilova

President of the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Gunay Afandiyeva has met with Head of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) Abdullah Eren as part of her visit to Ankara, Turkiye, Azernews reports.

During the meeting, Gunay Afandiyeva informed Abdullah Eren about the foundation's projects, events, and publications aimed at preserving the rich culture of the Turkic people.

She pointed out that the foundation has extensive ties with minorities of Turkic ethnicities living in different countries, adding that the headquarters of the organization hosted conferences and exhibitions with the participation of officials and community representatives.

Abdullah Eren praised the attention paid to the Turkic people by the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation.

He underlined that YTB primarily focuses on studies related to the Turkic nations with a common history and culture, adding that the institution is always ready to work with the organization.

The sides further discussed the prospects for mutual cooperation.

Initiated in 2012, the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation focuses on the preservation of Turkic heritage in member countries as well as conducting projects in collaboration with partners in third nations.

The foundation provides assistance in the protection, study, and promotion of Turkic culture and heritage through supporting and funding various activities, projects, and programs.

The organization carries out its activities in cooperation with TURKSOY and the Turkic Academy.


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