"YARAT" Contemporary Art Space and Taghiyev Group Co. are proud to announce the opening of ArtGanja Festival to be held on 19-22 September 2013. By this Festival, the authors and organizers of the event persecute the purpose of popularization of artistic and material heritage this ancient city and the entire Azerbaijan are richly endowed with.
The Festival program includes series of exhibition of Ganja-based artists or the artists who take origin from the region of Ganja. It is worth stating, Ramal Kazimov, Vusal Rahim, Elchin Valiyev and other contemporary art community members are expected to take part at the Festival events. The picturesque canvases they produced will be showcased in tents at the central square of city, in front of the city executive power edifice.
An open-air artistic photography exhibition is another top Festival event to be held in "Khan Baghi" (Khan's Garden, a historical spot in the very city center). The exhibition will display the best pieces created by the attendants of one-week master classes guided by Mr. Mir-Naib Hasanoghlu, the Chairman of the Union of Photographers of Azerbaijan, and is going to reflect historical heritage as well as the current state of affairs of the city.
Children master classes are scheduled to be given on the second day of the Festival, 20 September 2013 and will bring opportunities of solo installations creation under the guidance of high skilled artists.
The Festival program also comprises contemporary poetry performances-an event during which emerging yet skilled Ganja actors will recite verses by five actual Azerbaijani poets. The poetry party will start at 5 pm in a local trade center and will continue in Khan's Garden at 7 pm of that very day. 21 September event is of paramount necessity for the country as it is precisely this year that Azerbaijan celebrates 900-th anniversary of Mahsati Ganjavi, the Middle Ages Azeri poetess.
ArtGanja Festival will conclude with a jazz session in Khan's Garden.