Last month price index in real estate market of Baku rose 0.5% or (1.1 steps) to stand at step 305.5, “Estate market attendees” public union told.
Price index decreased 0.1% in the re-apartment markets which is a lower indicator than earlier months of 2007.The weight of expensive apartments rose, while that of average price of apartments reduced by 8.4%.
Average prices in re-apartment market stood at 12385/sq.m.Clasification of price hikes zone wide shows that the most increase in price was observed in zone 4,full stability in zone 3 while decrease in price in zones 2 and 1.Decrease in prices was observed on Arkhitektur and stalin projected apartments.
The weight of new buildings in proposal portfolio of re-market made up 11.3%,Leningrad apartments 28.5%.The average price of apartments over Baku constituted $ 88 518 with average room number of 2.45.
The average price of detached houses amounted to $ 215 110 which is up 0.8 from month earlier. Land plots for detached houses were 5.3 acres with average number of rooms of 4.
The volume of proposal portfolio decreased.