The Minister said the investigations show Barmek company, which was operating the electricity distribution of the capital, did not invest necessary funds to this field.
"During the delivery of the company to the state, we'll see that the company has not invested necessary funds. As far as I know, Barmek painted old transformers introducing them as new ones. We'll prove that. On the other hand, the company did not improve services in its 5-year activity," the Minister said.
Mr.Babayev also said the Ministry is investigating the issue and commented on Barmek's taking the Azerbaijan government to the International Court in Washington, D.C.
"If the court arrives at a verdict on violation of investor's right, it will be harmful for Azerbaijan's image. We are sure the court will decide in favor of Azerbaijan," he said.
Babayev noted if the company turns out to have not fulfilled obligations on investing and other irregularities, it will be held accountable, APA reports.