President said that the BTC project was the border, where the chances for leading politics according to the methods of confrontational dictate ended and the epoche of cooperation, mutual understanding began in the Caucasus, Asia, Turkey and post-Soviet republics.
'I remember people saying Georgia was the corridor for the grand energetic projects while speaking about BTC pipeline, however, the notion of corridor is unacceptable for me, because it denotes a limited space. However large the building may be, the corridor is a limited space in it. The processes that are underway today are not a limited space of activities but a new largest space for cooperation, mutual understanding and friendship among our countries,' Saakashvili said, adding that the operation of British Petrolium, which constructed pipeline in Georgia had been the most significant factor in the development of Georgian economics.
Saakashvili also recollected the Soviet era, when government used to dictate favourites and enemies, among which was Turkey.
'Our cooperation during the last ten years has completely destroyed the ideology on which soviet leaders had been working during several tens of years. Today Turkey is the most significant partner of Georgia, our greatest friend. We are on the stage of intensive cooperation and I believe that Turkey will be the leader investor in my country,' Saakashvili concluded.