As APA reports, Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov said in foundation laying ceremony that the length of bridge will be 293 meters, tunnel-310 meters, and abutments-1400 meters. Face estimate of project is AZN 15.3mln and the contracting company is Turkish Yapilar Company.
The Minister also said that the intersection will be commissioned in October next year.
"The ninth bridge will be constructed in front of Exselsior Hotel. In the preliminary project the bridge was to be constructed over railroad, but by President's behest, it was alternated with a tunnel."
Mr. Mammadov thinks that funds allocated to construction of bridges may be increased.
"When the documents are worked out, we will submit them to Financial Ministry and other structures step by step. 30% of construction of all bridges should be financed in order that we can pay the funds to the winner of tender."