The Chairman of SCC Aydin Aliyev said in his speech that the Committee has joint projects with UN since 1999. Consolidating customs authorities in a whole framework and establishment of automated information system were realized through those joint projects.
"There are now 38 customs authorities working on-line and the number will be 45 by end year. Moreover 26 customs authorities joined customs registration and automatic control system and there will be 32 customs authorities to join the system by end year."
UNDP Resident Representative Marco Borsotti has said computer equipment given to SCC includes servers, computers and other supporting equipment of AZN210 000 value.
"The one-year project funded by EC and implemented by UNDP was launched at the beginning of year. Aimed at modernization of the customs services in the country, the 900 000 EUR project envisages the upgrading of customs legislation in conformity with modern international standards, in particular the EU Customs Code, and support in improvement and implementation of the SCC strategy on the development of information technologies. We are currently working on fundamental legislation in cooperation with the Committee. We hope that all work will be implemented over on time."
Colin Stringer who takes part in the preparation of Customs Code has said that economic and political interests of Azerbaijani state are defended in the Code. Mr. Stringer has also talked about protection of borders in the new code.
"New Code regulates tariff issues, customs registration and other issues. Comparative analysis is going to be finished now. General definitions are being prepared."
The event ended with signature of agreement between UNDP and SCC, APA reports.