As APA reports, 49.8% of cargo was transported by the motor transport, 16.5% by pipelines, 23% by railway, 10.7% by maritime transport and share of the private sector in cargo traffic formed 52.6%.
Cargo turnover in the transport sector increased by 18.1% and was 6.9 bn ton/km. This is the all-time high indicator in this field.
As APA was informed from the State Statistics Committee, in the reporting period passenger traffic increased by 5.3% in comparison with January-March of the last year and was 247.5 mn passengers and 83.7% of passenger traffic was implemented by the non-state sector.
It was informed from the Committee that railroad cargo traffic increased by 35.8% in comparison with January-March of the last year and was 7 mn tons. Railway cargo turnover increased by 36.8% in comparison with the relevant period of the preceding year and was 2.6 billion ton/km.
Volume of maritime freight traffic increased by 1.6% and was 3.3 mn tons. 2/3 part of transported cargo was oil freight, 1/3 part was dry cargo, 99.5% of maritime cargo traffic was implemented on the basis of foreign relations. Maritime cargo turnover increased by 10.1% and was 1.9 bn ton/km and maritime passenger traffic increased by 51.1%. Volume of loading and unloading operations in sea ports increased by 8.8% and was 1.8 mn tons. Volume of international transit cargo decreased by 5.3%, volume of import and export freight increased by 2.4 times and 3.5 times, respectively.
Motor cargo traffic (taking into account activity of physical persons – individual entrepreneurs) increased by 6.1% in comparison with January-March of the last year and was 15.3 mn tons. Motor cargo turnover increased by 8.5% and was 1.9 bn ton/km. Motor passenger traffic increased by 5.3% and formed 207.4 mn passengers.
At the same time, in the reporting period passenger traffic in the metro increased by 5.4% and was 38.5 mn passengers and trolleybus passenger traffic decreased by 3.8 times and was 58.7 thousand persons.
Air passenger traffic increased 3.6% in comparison with I quarter of 2005 and was 243.4 thousand persons. 6.1% of air passenger traffic was realized by the non-state sector.
Oil and oil products transportation by oil-trunk pipelines decreased by 4.7% and was 3.1 mln tons; transportation of gas by oil-trunk pipelines increased by 20.4% and formed 2.8 bn cubic meters. 48.2% of transportation was implemented at the expense of imported gas and its volume increased by 4.5% in comparison with the same period of the past year. Oil pipeline transportation turnover decreased by 10.1% in comparison with January-March of the last year; gas pipeline transportation turnover increased by 21.7%.