TODAY.AZ / Business

Increase in volume of Azerbaijan's gas production to support economic dynamics [COMMENTARY]

19 July 2024 [16:40] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Ulviyya Shahin

Azerbaijan, a significant player in the global energy market due to its abundant natural gas reserves, has experienced notable shifts in its export dynamics in the first half of this year. According to recent data, Azerbaijan exported 11.825 billion cubic meters of natural gas, amounting to a total export value of $4.068 billion.

While the volume of gas exports saw a modest increase of 7.9% compared to the previous year, the export value plummeted by 49.3% during the same period. Notably, natural gas contributed 31.54% to Azerbaijan's total exports from January to June.

Azerbaijani economist Rashad Hasanov said Azernews that the increase in gas exports follows a predictable trajectory, driven by strategic investments in export infrastructure and heightened demand for Azerbaijani gas, particularly in the European market amid ongoing geopolitical tensions like the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

“This expansion is further bolstered by the development of new fields such as Absheron, which is poised to sustain growth over the next decade.”

According to him, in terms of its economic impact, expanding gas production offers a partial buffer against the significant challenges Azerbaijan faces in other sectors.

“Despite past shortcomings in fostering a competitive and diversified economy, the growth in gas production will mitigate fiscal contraction amidst declining oil revenues. Moreover, it will bolster economic activity supported by government expenditures, while serving as a critical revenue stream for the reconstruction efforts in recently liberated territories.”

“However, Azerbaijan must continue to diversify its economic base and enhance competitiveness beyond energy exports to ensure long-term economic resilience and sustainability,” R. Hasanov concluded.

Looking at the expert's opinion and the analysis of economic results in the global market, we can note that Azerbaijan's natural gas export trends in the first half of this year reflect the complexities of global energy markets.

While increased export volumes signify market demand and production capabilities, the drastic decline in export value underscores the challenges posed by volatile energy prices. Strategic measures focusing on economic diversification and infrastructure development are crucial to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities in Azerbaijan's energy sector.

While Azerbaijan remains a significant natural gas exporter, navigating the dynamics of global energy markets requires adaptive strategies to ensure sustainable economic growth and resilience in the face of market uncertainties.


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