TODAY.AZ / Business

Deputy Minister views Armenia's step to host COP29 in Azerbaijan as positive signal

24 May 2024 [15:39] - TODAY.AZ
Nazrin Abdul

Deputy Minister of Energy and Chief Executive Director of COP29, Elnur Soltanov, expressed his opinion that "Armenia's decision to hold the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Azerbaijan was a very good sign," Azernews reports.

Speaking at the COP29 presentation ceremony in Lachin, attended by members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Azerbaijan, including military attaches, E. Soltanov noted that the decision to host COP29 in Azerbaijan was made possible with the support of the entire international community.

"It is a very responsible task to lead the most important negotiations on climate change and the climate crisis in the world as the host of COP29. We need to take measures to fight the global climate crisis. But for this, we need implementation tools. The main implementation tool is finance. Thus, we must come up with an ambitious action agenda, and we have started work on this path. In this way, we will inspire and revive the world community."

The Deputy Minister said that Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur have been declared "green energy zones".

"Thus, Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur become a testing ground for Azerbaijan's "green" technology and "green energy". So, the importance of this region coincides with the great task we have undertaken. Because Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur are the best for the "green" world. "This is the place where we are testing the technologies. If it is successful, we will apply it in other regions of Azerbaijan. We will produce more "green energy" than is consumed in this region, and in a certain sense it will be exported to other regions of Azerbaijan."


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